~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SuperForeverCom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 the Super NES fansite ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



Ti-anu Reeves, Pencil sketch by Tina R. in 2019
"Every morning I wake up and make the worst possible
time management decisions anyone could ever make."

Tina's the name; old-ass HTML is my game. I live by a simple motto: "If I could get by without it in 2003,
what do I need it for in 2022?" Which is more of a question than a motto, but it's what I got. Basically,
this adage has more to do with HTML code than anything else; obviously, there's plenty of things we got
by without in 2003 because we didn't know we needed them, like smartphone fart-button apps, free and
open-source VSTi plugins, gay marriage equality, that sort of thing.

When I'm not pushing code or playing Super NES, I'm probably working at my dayjob as a voice-artist
and library music composer. I've been told I'm good at that, but I can't be sure. I also spend probably too
much time watching cartoons. Rocko's Modern Life and Bob's Burgers rank amongst my favourites.

This website is equal parts me getting back into HTML after spending 10 years forgetting it, my unrestrained
nostalgia for a simpler time when all I had to worry about was figuring out a really good dodge for why I
didn't do my homework that the teachers would believe, and the fact that Super Mario World was the
most influential determining factor in how my imagination turned out (at least until The Sims was
released). I decided I absolutely needed to have a presence on the internet that wasn't motivated by
social media clout or economics, where I could do what I used to love doing; writing about things
that are important to me, and then sharing them with others.

Now, about the formatting. "Where are the frames? The HR tags? Where's the CSS, woman?!"
Sorry, not sorry, this is how websites looked in the 1997 to 2001 period of time. I'm trying to re-
capture that independent spirit of the internet at its peak, before the corporations stormed in, broke
the vases, and ruined the upholstery. Is it a pain in the ass to remember when to put linebreaks in these
weird justified paragraphs? Yes, but when it comes to committing to the bit, I'll die before I
give it up. Just use a computer to view this site and you'll be fine.

I made all the web graphics on this site myself. There are some logos on the bottom of the
homepage; I didn't design them, but I did put them into those funky little boxes.

Photographs, box scans, promo art, and that sort of thing, were all made by the companies that
made the games. At this stage, it's nigh impossible to trace down the individual artists' names
if they're not already listed in a staff roll somewhere. If there's promo art of Super Mario World,
for instance, you can take it for granted that it was made by Yoichi Kotabe for Nintendo in 1990.

If there's a MIDI sequence on the site someplace, it probably came from VGMusic.com. I'll mention who
the original sequencer was.

If there's a piece of media somewhere outside a header image that I made, I'll give myself credit.
If you don't see "Made by Tina R.", then it wasn't made by Tina R. Full stop.


Copyright © 2003-2022 Tina Rosenthal. The code is pretty basic, but it's mine. Don't get any ideas, now!