~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SuperForeverCom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 the Super NES fansite ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



December 6 2022 | Has it seriously been a month since my last update? Well, yes, it has. I had a lot of so-
called "real life" stuff going on, like car repair and voiceover jobs, and I couldn't really even work on this
project until lately. Today's update is small, only a single new page about Super Mario All-Stars. It's going
to be part of a larger section with similar pages about several of my favourite games. Right now, though,
it's just Super Mario All-Stars. Click on "Pages" to get there.

November 5 2022 | Added the About and Emulation pages. For some reason, I thought it was a good
idea to make a list page with all 1,757 games on it, and I'm slogging through that one a bit at a time so
as not to go insane. Also, since progress is being made, I decided to make an Update History page,
for no real reason other than I want to prove to myself I haven't been wasting my time.

November 1 2022 | We're live! After months of agonising over what to make an old-style HTML website
about, rejecting alternative avenues such as Gopherspace, consuming several pots of strong coffee, and
attending a business expo full of the dullest possible cryptobro startup CEOs in the country, we have
finally hit upon a subject for the new site! Unlike previous attempts, the only function Microsoft Word
will serve is as a visual outline. Actual code will hereinafter be written longhand, like it's 2003 again.
As you can imagine, this is a work in progress that I'll be adding to as I finish making pages, but I
thought it was important to at least get the homepage online, being it's Novemeber and everything.


Copyright © 2003-2022 Tina Rosenthal. The code is pretty basic, but it's mine. Don't get any ideas, now!